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University of the Pacific, Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

  • 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
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Doctor of Pharmacy

The Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy was the first school of pharmacy in California to offer a three-year accelerated doctor of pharmacy program. Our accelerated, eight-semester PharmD curriculum exposes students to the pharmaceutical, administrative, social, behavioral and clinical science aspects of the field. From the very first semester, students develop clinical and patient-care skills - both are integrated throughout the curriculum. Students also gain patient care experience in a wide variety of settings that provide them with a foundation of practical training.

  • Our 17 clinical experience regions are located across California, from Eureka to San Diego. We will place you in each of your clinical rotations and a dedicated faculty member will help guide you every step of the way.


Become a pharmacist and help patients live healthier lives. For over 60 years, the Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy has been training pharmacists who are problem-solvers, innovators and leaders. By choosing University of the Pacific’s doctor of pharmacy (PharmD) program, you will become part of our legacy of excellence and leadership. The skill set and clinical experience you gain will open doors to the many settings where pharmacists play a key role, from hospitals to pharmaceutical research and development.

  • Pacific ranked in the top 10 percent nationally in postgraduate residencies for the ASHP Residency Match Program.
  • Pacific PharmD graduates have consistently had a higher first-time pass rate for the NAPLEX exam than the national average.


Dynamic teams are the future of health care. As a member of the Pacific family, you can collaborate with like-minded peers and challenge yourself by taking on a leadership role. Through these opportunities, you will gain the communication and leadership skills you will use every day as you serve your patients.

A Powerful Alumni Network

Our alumni are the core of the Pacific family. They are committed to helping you reach your academic and professional goals, now and throughout your career. Attend events hosted by the Pacific Pharmacy Alumni Association to connect with leaders in the profession. Many of our alumni are actively involved and hold leadership positions in local, state and national professional organizations.

Dual-Degree Program


  • 5-year program, first, second-years PharmD, third and fourth years PhD, fifth year PharmD

Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences Graduate Program (PCSP)

The Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences Graduate Program (PCSP) offers students three degree tracks: MS, PhD and a dual degree PharmD/PhD and allows students to select one of five highly sought after focus areas:

Bioanalytical and Physical Chemistry
Investigation of chemical, biochemical and biomedical questions using a broad range of computational and experimental tools including state-of-the-art instrumentation, synthetic methods and molecular techniques.

Biopharmaceutical Sciences
This focus area involves the study of applied and basic sciences in drug targeting/delivery/disposition/discovery and chemical biology. Selectivity of drug delivery, understanding of cellular mechanisms for novel drug discovery and design, and molecular mechanisms contributing to drug pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics are emphasized.

Chemical Synthesis, Drug Discovery and Design
Discovery and development of new chemical entities from synthetic and natural product sources as potential drugs; new methods of chemical synthesis and structural elucidation.

Molecular-Cellular Pharmacology and Toxicology
Involves investigations using enzymology, cell cultures and laboratory animals, of the mechanisms by which drugs and other bioactive chemicals affect cellular processes and how drugs are metabolized.

Pharmacoeconomics and Health Care Outcomes and Services
Designed to promote the development of scholars by providing them with the knowledge and analytical skills necessary to evaluate the delivery and use of pharmaceutical/health care products and services, thereby improving medication use, patient-specific outcomes as well as reducing health care costs.