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Teachers Needed! (PK3-5th Grades) - South Carolina

  • 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
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Meeting Street Schools (MSS) is a network of public and private schools that aims to expand educational opportunities for children from under-resourced neighborhoods in South Carolina.  We currently have three schools: Meeting Street Academy in Charleston, Meeting Street Academy in Spartanburg, and Meeting Street Elementary @Brentwood.

At Meeting Street Schools we are committed to providing all children the highest quality educational opportunity possible.  We know that academic achievement and strong character development go hand-in-hand and that in order for our students to be successful, we have to help them develop in both.  At MSS we focus on our Path to Success Skills; we help our students grow in grit, gratitude, optimism, empathy, citizenship, integrity, self-control, and curiosity because strength in each of these areas means success in school, in work, and in life.  Our academic program is based on evidence-based best practices and meets each child at their instructional level and accelerates their growth.  We know that using strategies such as looking a student data, differentiating instruction, co-teaching, utilizing small groups, and creating a strong intervention program work to make sure all kids are growing and all students are on the path to college.