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Explore CoAD at LTU Graduate Programs

  • 6:00 AM - 5:00 PM
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The Architecture Program at LTU

The architecture program at Lawrence Technological University is designed to provide a broad foundation for the development of design skills and insights, social responsibility, environmental awareness, problem-solving abilities, and professional competence. The program is primarily directed toward the practice of architecture, but it constitutes an excellent, broad-minded education and preparation for work in a range of essential fields in and beyond design, including teaching, research, product representation and development, and public service.

Master of Architecture

The M.Arch Track II program is intended for students who have completed the undergraduate curriculum at Lawrence Tech; those who have earned at least a pre-professional degree, typically the Bachelor of Science in Architecture, at another institution; or who have earned the professional Bachelor of Architecture degree at another institution. Applicants who hold the Bachelor of Science in Architecture degree from Lawrence Tech can complete the program in as little as 36 credit hours. We welcome qualified students from other institutions who wish to complete their graduate studies and earn their accredited M.Arch degree at LTU.

The M.Arch Track III (3+) is intended for students who hold an undergraduate degree in a field other than architecture. This option specifically welcomes students who come to LTU with accomplishments and interests in other fields of inquiry with the expectation that such students will bring their interests and skills into the practice of architecture. Students are able to complete the final 36 credits of the M. Arch Track III (3+) track either on-campus or online.

Master of Interior Design

The Master of Interior Design is a post-professional degree program, designed for students already holding a professional, accredited degree in interior architecture or interior design. This degree provides a studio-centered experience that encourages students to explore the the field of interior design in a manner that is practically grounded, critically framed, and deeply invested in cultural relevancy and technological advancement. In the program, courses are designed to support each student’s intellectual needs through a highly flexible interdisciplinary platform, diverse faculty expertise, and individualized instruction.

If you have a bachelor’s degree in another discipline, an accelerated Master of Interior Design 3+ program is available. This 72-credit-hour curriculum combines the content of the undergraduate professional courses in interior architecture with graduate courses to result in a Master of Interior Design. Some preliminary course work may also be necessary.

Master of Urban Design

The Master of Urban Design [MUD] is a post-baccalaureate urban design degree program within the College of Architecture and Design (CoAD). The MUD is a 33-credit-hour master’s degree that builds on two certificate programs in GIS and public interest design.

Students are allowed to pursue “stackable” credentials that add up to a degree; the two certificates are aligned with the MUD curriculum and the certificates can be applied toward the MUD. The program allows students to choose a completion pathway that makes it easier for them to start and complete the degree at their own convenience.

The MUD program welcomes students with diverse undergraduate degrees and backgrounds and features a pedagogical and research emphasis that builds upon the university’s commitment to its urban and suburban context. The MUD is designed to develop a body of knowledge, skills, and experience in urban design, with a focus on healthy, smart, and sustainable urbanism—a balanced and holistic systems approach to design and policy initiatives that addresses the complex environmental, economic, social, and political forces that affect cities in local, regional, national, and global contexts.

Dual Degrees

As design and construction become more complex, professionals in these areas are compelled to seek qualifications that are more specialized and offer greater overlap with other fields of study. In response, Lawrence Tech offers several dual degrees—a professional degree in architecture linked with a second degree in a related management or design discipline. The degrees are offered by the College of Architecture and Design in collaboration with the College of Business and Information Technology.

The College also offers dual degree options, such as the Master of Architecture and Master of Urban Design and the Master of Architecture and Master of Business Administration.

Master of Architecture + Master of Urban Design

The increasing diversification of places, populations, and migration flows has been changing urban environments locally, nationally, and internationally. Considering rapidly shifting demographics and cultural composition, urban growth, public health concerns, and sustainability challenges around the globe, systematic studies on critical questions such as how these shifts impact city- and place-making are increasingly necessary. Our college, given its longstanding educational, professional, and community services in architecture, community development, and urban design in Detroit and its larger region, is well positioned to educate students about how to respond to complex urban changes.

In particular, our Master of Architecture (M.Arch) and Master of Urban Design (MUD) dual degree program provides architecture students with skills and tools necessary to address these many challenges. M.Arch students only need to complete as few as 11 credit hours of courses in urban design instead of 34 (total credits required for MUD students) to receive both the M.Arch and MUD degrees.

Master of Architecture + Master of Business Administration

Architecture represents a significant investment of time, money, and natural resources. Understanding the wisdom of each investment requires professionals who are able to ascertain the impact and value of each investment type and then use this knowledge to craft a well-considered architectural approach. In recognition of the need for individuals with these skills, Lawrence Technological University offers a dual-degree program leading to both the Master of Architecture and Master of Business Administration degrees. Graduates with this dual degree will have satisfied the educational requirements for licensure in the profession of architecture as well as having acquired practical skills in business and management.