Carolina Humanities/Social Sciences (All Majors) Virtual Career Fair

September 17, 2020
Carolina Humanities/ Social Sciences (All Majors) Career Fair Banner

An easy, efficient way for students and employers to meet


9 am - 6 pm Eastern

As the oldest and largest unit on campus, the College of Arts & Sciences forms the academic core of the Carolina experience.
More than 75 percent of students will graduate with at least one major from the College.
This Fair brings together employers who are seeking to fill Summer Internship and Full-Time Job roles.

(Formerly Fall Job & Internship Expo) This event is open to ALL UNC majors but is targeted towards Humanities and Social Sciences majors, which include: Communications (Journalism, Media Production, Strategic Communication), Economics, English, History, Political Science, Military Science, Sociology, Anthropology and Philosophy, Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies, African American Studies, Romance Languages (Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian), and more!